Isaac Keslassy - Homepage

Isaac Keslassy: Publications

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Kfir Toledo and Isaac Keslassy, "2SYN: Congestion-Aware Multihoming," IEEE/IFIP NOMS, Honolulu, HI, May 2025. [GitHub code]


Alexander Krentsel, Rishabh Iyer, Isaac Keslassy, Sylvia Ratnasamy, Anees Shaikh, and Rob Shakir, "The Case for Validating Inputs in Software-Defined WANs," ACM Hotnets, Irvine, CA, Nov. 2024. [slides]

Yara Mulla and Isaac Keslassy, "Per-CCA Queueing," IEEE CNSM, Prague, Czech Republic, Oct. 2024. [slides]

Dean Carmel and Isaac Keslassy, "Dragonfly: In-Flight CCA Identification," IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Vol. 21, No. 3, June 2024.


Yoav Levi and Isaac Keslassy, "Beyond the Ring: Quantized Heterogeneous Consistent Hashing," IEEE ICNP, Reykjavik, Iceland, Oct. 2023. [slides, GitHub code]

Dean Carmel and Isaac Keslassy, "Dragonfly: In-Flight CCA Identification," IFIP Networking, Barcelona, Spain, June 2023. [slides, GitHub code]

Micha Dery, Orr Krupnik and Isaac Keslassy, "QueuePilot: Reviving Small Buffers With a Learned AQM Policy," IEEE Infocom, New York City, NY, May 2023. [slides, GitHub code]

Kfir Toledo, David Breitgand, Dean Lorenz and Isaac Keslassy, "CloudPilot: Flow Acceleration in the Cloud," Computer Networks, Vol. 224, April 2023.


Kfir Toledo, David Breitgand, Dean Lorenz and Isaac Keslassy, "CloudPilot: Flow Acceleration in the Cloud," IFIP Networking, Catania, Italy, June 2022. [slides, GitHub code]

Ran Ben Basat, Gil Einziger, Isaac Keslassy, Ariel Orda, Shay Vargaftik, and Erez Waisbard. "Memento: Making Sliding Windows Efficient for Heavy Hitters," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 30, No. 4, Aug. 2022.


Gal Mendelson, Shay Vargaftik, Dean Lorenz, Kathy Barabash, Isaac Keslassy and Ariel Orda, "Load Balancing with JET: Just Enough Tracking for Connection Consistency," ACM CoNEXT, Munich, Germany, Dec. 2021. [slides, GitHub code (C++/Python)]

Shay Vargaftik, Isaac Keslassy, Ariel Orda and Yaniv Ben-Itzhak, "RADE: Resource-Efficient Supervised Anomaly Detection Using Decision Tree-Based Ensemble Methods," Machine Learning, Vol. 110, No. 10, pp. 2835-2866, Oct. 2021. [Springer website] [previous version on arXiv]

Gal Mendelson, Shay Vargaftik, Dean Lorenz, Kathy Barabash, Isaac Keslassy and Ariel Orda, "AnchorHash: A Scalable Consistent Hash," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 29, No. 2, April 2021. [arXiv, GitHub code (C++/Go)]


Alex Markuze, Aran Bergman, Chen Dar, Isaac Keslassy and Israel Cidon, "Kernels of Splitting TCP in the Clouds," Netdev 0x14, Vancouver, Canada, July 2020. [slides, talk] [extended version on arXiv]

Belma Turkovic, Jorik Oostenbrink, Fernando Kuipers, Isaac Keslassy, and Ariel Orda, "Sequential Zeroing: Online Heavy-Hitter Detection on Programmable Hardware," IFIP Networking, Paris, France, June 2020.

Shay Vargaftik, Isaac Keslassy and Ariel Orda, "LSQ: Load Balancing in Large-Scale Heterogeneous Systems with Multiple Dispatchers," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 28, No. 3, June 2020. [OpenReview, arXiv]

Rami Atar, Isaac Keslassy, Gal Mendelson, Ariel Orda and Shay Vargaftik, "Persistent-Idle Load-Distribution," Stochastic Systems, Vol. 10, No. 2, June 2020.


Rami Atar, Isaac Keslassy and Gal Mendelson, "Subdiffusive Load Balancing in Time-Varying Queueing Systems," Operations Research, Vol. 67, No. 6, pp. 1678-1698, Nov-Dec. 2019. Best Student Paper Award of INFORMS Applied Probability Society.

Nick McKeown, Guido Appenzeller and Isaac Keslassy, "Sizing Router Buffers (Redux)," Computer Communication Review, Vol. 49, No. 5, pp. 69-74, Oct. 2019.

Rami Atar, Isaac Keslassy and Gal Mendelson, "Replicate to the Shortest Queues," Queueing Systems, Vol. 92, No. 1-2, pp. 1-23, June 2019.

Eitan Zahavi, Alexander Shpiner, Ori Rottenstreich, Avinoam Kolodny and Isaac Keslassy, "Links as a Service (LaaS): Guaranteed Tenant Isolation in the Shared Cloud," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 37, No. 5, May 2019.


Ran Ben Basat, Gil Einziger, Isaac Keslassy, Ariel Orda, Shay Vargaftik and Erez Waisbard, "Memento: Making Sliding Windows Efficient for Heavy Hitters," ACM CoNEXT, Heraklion, Greece, Dec. 2018. [slides] [extended version, also on arXiv]

Yoav Levi, Ayal Taitler and Isaac Keslassy, "Unspread the Jam: Scheduling Traffic Lights to Reduce Congestion," IEEE ICSEE, Eilat, Israel, Dec. 2018.


Naga Katta, Aditi Ghag, Mukesh Hira, Isaac Keslassy, Aran Bergman, Changhoon Kim and Jennifer Rexford, "Clove: Congestion-Aware Load-balancing at the Virtual Edge," ACM CoNEXT, Seoul/Incheon, South Korea, Dec. 2017. [slides]

Sharad Chole, Andrew Fingerhut, Sha Ma, Anirudh Sivaraman, Shay Vargaftik, Alon Berger, Gal Mendelson, Mohammad Alizadeh, Shang-Tse Chuang, Isaac Keslassy, Ariel Orda and Tom Edsall, "dRMT: Disaggregated Programmable Switching," ACM SIGCOMM, Los Angeles, CA, August 2017. [slides] [extended version] [dRMT website] [Also presented at P4 workshop 2017: slides.]

Asaf Samuel, Eitan Zahavi and Isaac Keslassy, "Routing Keys," IEEE Hot Interconnects, Santa Clara, CA, August 2017. Best Paper. [slides]

Shay Vargaftik, Isaac Keslassy and Ariel Orda, "Stable User-Defined Priorities," IEEE Infocom, Atlanta, GA, May 2017. [slides]

Matthew Johnston, Isaac Keslassy and Eytan Modiano, "Channel Probing in Opportunistic Communication Systems," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 63, No. 11, pp. 7535-7552, Nov. 2017.

Shay Vargaftik, Isaac Keslassy and Ariel Orda, "No Packet Left Behind: Avoiding Starvation in Dynamic Topologies," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 25, No. 4, Aug. 2017.

Ori Rottenstreich, Isaac Keslassy, Yoram Revah and Aviran Kadosh, "Minimizing Delay in Network Function Virtualization with Shared Pipelines," IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 156-169, January 2017.


Shay Vargaftik, Katherine Barabash, Yaniv Ben-Itzhak, Ofer Biran, Isaac Keslassy, Dean Lorenz and Ariel Orda, “Composite-Path Switching,” ACM CoNEXT, Irvine, CA, Dec. 2016. [slides]

Naga Katta, Mukesh Hira, Aditi Ghag, Changhoon Kim, Isaac Keslassy and Jennifer Rexford, "CLOVE: How I Learned to Stop Worrying about the Core and Love the Edge,” ACM HotNets, Atlanta, GA, Nov. 2016. [slides]

Bryce Cronkite-Ratcliff, Aran Bergman, Shay Vargaftik, Madhusudhan Ravi, Nick McKeown, Ittai Abraham and Isaac Keslassy, "Virtualized Congestion Control," ACM SIGCOMM, Brazil, August 2016. [vCC website] [extended version]

Eitan Zahavi, Alexander Shpiner, Ori Rottenstreich, Avinoam Kolodny and Isaac Keslassy, "Links as a Service (LaaS): Guaranteed Tenant Isolation in the Shared Cloud," ACM/IEEE ANCS, Santa Clara, CA, March 2016. [slides]

Alex Shpiner, Isaac Keslassy and Rami Cohen, "Scaling Multi-Core Network Processors Without the Reordering Bottleneck," IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 27, No. 3, March 2016.

Ori Rottenstreich, Isaac Keslassy, Avinatan Hassidim, Haim Kaplan, and Ely Porat, "Optimal In/Out TCAM Encodings of Ranges," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 555-568, February 2016.


Ori Rottenstreich and Isaac Keslassy, "The Bloom Paradox: When not to use a Bloom Filter," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 703-716, June 2015.

Marat Radan and Isaac Keslassy, "Tapping into the Router's Unutilized Processing Power," IEEE Infocom, Hong Kong, April 2015. [slides]

        Extended version: Marat Radan and Isaac Keslassy, "Tapping into the Router's Unutilized Processing Power," Technical Report TR15-01, Technion, 2014.

Yossi Kanizo, David Hay and Isaac Keslassy, "Maximizing the Throughput of Hash Tables in Network Devices with Combined SRAM/DRAM Memory," IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 796-809, March 2015.

Alex Shpiner, Erez Kantor, Pu Li, Israel Cidon and Isaac Keslassy, "On the Capacity of Bufferless Networks-on-Chip," IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 492-506, Feb. 2015.


Alex Shpiner, Isaac Keslassy, Carmi Arad, Tal Mizrahi and Yoram Revah, "SAL: Scaling Data Centers using Smart Address Learning," IEEE/IFIP CNSM, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Nov. 2014. [slides]

        Extended version: Alex Shpiner, Isaac Keslassy, Carmi Arad, Tal Mizrahi and Yoram Revah, "SAL: Scaling Data Centers using Smart Address Learning," Technical Report TR14-02, Technion, 2014.

Eitan Zahavi, Isaac Keslassy and Avinoam Kolodny, "Quasi Fat Trees for HPC Clouds and Their Fault-Resilient Closed-Form Routing," IEEE Hot Interconnects, Mountain View, CA, August 2014. [slides]

Ori Rottenstreich, Yossi Kanizo and Isaac Keslassy, "The Variable-Increment Counting Bloom Filter," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 1092-1105, August 2014.

Alex Shpiner, Isaac Keslassy and Rami Cohen, "Scaling Multi-Core Network Processors Without the Reordering Bottleneck," IEEE HPSR, Vancouver, Canada, July 2014. [slides]

        Extended version: Alex Shpiner, Isaac Keslassy and Rami Cohen, "Scaling Multi-Core Network Processors Without the Reordering Bottleneck," Technical Report TR14-01, Technion, 2014.

Ori Rottenstreich, Pu Li, Inbal Horev, Isaac Keslassy and Shivkumar Kalyanaraman, "The Switch Reordering Contagion: Preventing a Few Late Packets from Ruining the Whole Party," IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 63, No. 5, pp. 1262 - 1276, May 2014.

        Extended version: Ori Rottenstreich, Pu Li, Inbal Horev, Isaac Keslassy and Shivkumar Kalyanaraman, "Redefining Switch Reordering," Technical Report TR11-01, Comnet, Technion, Israel.

Eitan Zahavi, Isaac Keslassy and Avinoam Kolodny, "Distributed Adaptive Routing Convergence to Non-Blocking DCN Routing Assignments," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 56, No. 1, January 2014.

Ori Rottenstreich, Marat Radan, Yuval Cassuto, Isaac Keslassy, Carmi Arad, Tal Mizrahi, Yoram Revah and Avinatan Hassidim, "Compressing Forwarding Tables for Datacenter Scalability," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 56, No. 1, January 2014.


Ori Rottenstreich, Isaac Keslassy, Yoram Revah and Aviran Kadosh, "Minimizing Delay in Shared Pipelines," IEEE Hot Interconnects, San Jose, CA, August 2013. [slides]

Matthew Johnston, Eytan Modiano and Isaac Keslassy, "Channel Probing in Communication Systems: Myopic Policies Are Not Always Optimal," IEEE ISIT, Istanbul, Turkey, July 2013. [slides]

Ori Rottenstreich, Amit Berman, Yuval Cassuto and Isaac Keslassy, "Compression for Fixed-Width Memories," IEEE ISIT, Istanbul, Turkey, July 2013. [slides]

Tsahee Zidenberg, Isaac Keslassy and Uri Weiser, "MultiAmdahl: How Should I Divide My Heterogeneous Chip?," IEEE Computer, Vol. 46, No. 7, pp. 70-77, July 2013.

        Letter version: Tsahee Zidenberg, Isaac Keslassy and Uri Weiser, "MultiAmdahl: How Should I Divide My Heterogeneous Chip?," IEEE Computer Architecture Letters, March 2012. (Selected in Best of CAL Papers for 2012, and CAL Spotlight Paper for July-Dec. 2012.)

        Extended version: Tsahee Zidenberg, Isaac Keslassy and Uri Weiser, "Multi-Amdahl: Optimal Resource Sharing with Multiple Program Execution Segments," Technical Report TR11-03, Comnet, Technion, Israel. (arxiv)

Ori Rottenstreich, Rami Cohen, Danny Raz and Isaac Keslassy, "Exact Worst-Case TCAM Rule Expansion," IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 62, No. 6, pp. 1127-1140, June 2013. [supplemental file]

Ori Rottenstreich, Marat Radan, Yuval Cassuto, Isaac Keslassy, Carmi Arad, Tal Mizrahi, Yoram Revah, and Avinatan Hassidim, "Compressing Forwarding Tables," IEEE Infocom, Turin, Italy, April 2013. [slides]

        Extended version: Ori Rottenstreich, Marat Radan, Yuval Cassuto, Isaac Keslassy, Carmi Arad, Tal Mizrahi, Yoram Revah, and Avinatan Hassidim, "Compressing Forwarding Tables," Technical Report TR12-03, Technion, 2012.

Ori Rottenstreich, Isaac Keslassy, Avinatan Hassidim, Haim Kaplan, and Ely Porat, "On Finding an Optimal TCAM Encoding Scheme for Packet Classification," IEEE Infocom, Turin, Italy, April 2013. [slides] (Best Paper Runner-up Award)

        Extended version: Ori Rottenstreich, Isaac Keslassy, Avinatan Hassidim, Haim Kaplan, and Ely Porat, "On Finding an Optimal TCAM Encoding Scheme for Packet Classification," Technical Report TR12-04, Technion, 2012.

Yossi Kanizo, David Hay and Isaac Keslassy, "Palette: Distributing Tables in Software-Defined Networks," IEEE Infocom, Mini-conference, Turin, Italy, April 2013. [slides]

        Extended version: Yossi Kanizo, David Hay and Isaac Keslassy, "Palette: Distributing Tables in Software-Defined Networks," Technical Report TR12-05, Technion, 2012.

Yossi Kanizo, David Hay and Isaac Keslassy, "Access-efficient Balanced Bloom Filters," Computer Communications, Vol. 36, No. 4, pp. 373-385, February 2013.


Isaac Keslassy, Kirill Kogan, Gabriel Scalosub and Michael Segal, "Providing Performance Guarantees in Multipass Network Processors," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 20, No. 6, pp. 1895-1909, December 2012.

Eitan Zahavi, Isaac Keslassy, and Avinoam Kolodny, "Distributed Adaptive Routing for Big-Data Applications Running on Data Center Networks," ACM/IEEE ANCS, Austin, TX, October 2012. [slides]

Alex Shpiner, Erez Kantor, Pu Li, Israel Cidon and Isaac Keslassy, "On the Capacity of Bufferless Networks-on-Chip," 50th Allerton Conference, Monticello, IL, October 2012. [slides]

        Extended version: Alex Shpiner, Erez Kantor, Pu Li, Israel Cidon and Isaac Keslassy, "On the Capacity of Bufferless Networks-on-Chip," Technical Report TR12-06, Technion, Israel.

Alex Shpiner, Isaac Keslassy, Gabi Bracha, Eyal Dagan, Ofer Iny, and Eyal Soha, "A Switch-Based Approach to Throughput Collapse and Starvation in Data Centers," Computer Networks, Vol. 56, No. 14, pp. 3333-3346, September 2012.

Yossi Kanizo, David Hay and Isaac Keslassy, "Access-Efficient Balanced Bloom Filters," IEEE ICC, Ottawa, Canada, June 2012. [poster]

        Extended version: Yossi Kanizo, David Hay and Isaac Keslassy, "Access-Efficient Balanced Bloom Filters," Technical Report TR11-07, Comnet, Technion, Israel.

Yossi Kanizo, David Hay and Isaac Keslassy, "Hash Tables With Finite Buckets Are Less Resistant To Deletions," Computer Networks, Vol. 56, No. 4, pp. 1376-1389, March 2012.

Ori Rottenstreich and Isaac Keslassy, "The Bloom Paradox: When not to Use a Bloom Filter?," IEEE Infocom, Orlando, FL, March 2012. [slides]

        Extended version: Ori Rottenstreich and Isaac Keslassy, "The Bloom Paradox: When not to Use a Bloom Filter?," Technical Report TR11-06, Comnet, Technion, Israel.

Erez Tsidon, Iddo Hanniel and Isaac Keslassy, "Estimators Also Need Shared Values to Grow Together," IEEE Infocom, Orlando, FL, March 2012. [slides]

        Extended version: Erez Tsidon, Iddo Hanniel and Isaac Keslassy, "Estimators Also Need Shared Values to Grow Together," Technical Report TR11-04, Comnet, Technion, Israel.

Ori Rottenstreich, Yossi Kanizo and Isaac Keslassy, "The Variable-Increment Counting Bloom Filter," IEEE Infocom, Orlando, FL, March 2012. [slides]

        Extended version: Ori Rottenstreich, Yossi Kanizo and Isaac Keslassy, "The Variable-Increment Counting Bloom Filter," Technical Report TR11-05, Comnet, Technion, Israel.

Yossi Kanizo, David Hay and Isaac Keslassy, "Maximizing the Throughput of Cuckoo Hashing in Network Devices," Technical Report TR12-02, Technion, 2012.


Isaac Keslassy, Kirill Kogan, Gabriel Scalosub and Michael Segal, "Providing Performance Guarantees in Multipass Network Processors," IEEE Infocom, Shanghai, China, April 2011. [slides]

        Extended version: Isaac Keslassy, Kirill Kogan, Gabriel Scalosub and Michael Segal, "Providing Performance Guarantees in Multipass Network Processors," Technical Report TR10-02, Comnet, Technion, Israel.

Yossi Kanizo, David Hay and Isaac Keslassy, "Maximum Bipartite Matching Size and Application to Cuckoo Hashing," Technical Report TR11-02, Comnet, Technion, Israel. (arxiv)

Evgeni Krimer, Mattan Erez, Isaac Keslassy, Avinoam Kolodny and Isask'har Walter, "Static Timing Analysis for Modeling QoS in Networks on Chip," Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Vol. 71, No. 5, pp. 687-699, May 2011.

Alex Shpiner and Isaac Keslassy, "Modeling the Interactions of Congestion Control and Switch Scheduling," Computer Networks, Vol. 55, No. 6, pp. 1257-1275, April 2011.


Hagit Attiya, David Hay and Isaac Keslassy, "Packet-Mode Emulation of Output-Queued Switches," IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 59, No. 10, pp. 1378-1391, October 2010.

Yossi Kanizo, David Hay and Isaac Keslassy, "Hash Tables With Finite Buckets Are Less Resistant To Deletions," Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Monticello, Illinois, Sept. 2010. [slides]

        Extended version: Yossi Kanizo, David Hay and Isaac Keslassy, "Hash Tables With Finite Buckets Are Less Resistant To Deletions," Technical Report TR10-01, Comnet, Technion, Israel.

Bill Lin and Isaac Keslassy, "The Concurrent Matching Switch Architecture," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 1330-1343, August 2010.

Alex Shpiner and Isaac Keslassy, "A Switch-Based Approach to Throughput Collapse and Starvation in Data Centers," IEEE IWQoS, Beijing, China, June 2010. [slides] (Best Paper Award)

Ori Rottenstreich and Isaac Keslassy, "On the Code Length of TCAM Coding Schemes," IEEE ISIT, Austin, TX, June 2010. [slides]

Itamar Cohen, Ori Rottenstreich and Isaac Keslassy, "Statistical Approach to Networks-on-Chip," IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 59, No. 6, pp. 748-761, June 2010.

Ori Rottenstreich and Isaac Keslassy, "Worst-Case TCAM Rule Expansion," IEEE Infocom, Mini-conference, San Diego, CA, March 2010. [slides]

        Extended version: Ori Rottenstreich and Isaac Keslassy, "Worst-Case TCAM Rule Expansion," Technical Report TR09-01, Comnet, Technion, Israel.


Yossi Kanizo, David Hay and Isaac Keslassy, "Energy-Constrained Balancing," Technical Report TR09-02, Comnet, Technion, Israel.

Bill Lin and Isaac Keslassy, "The Interleaved Matching Switch Architecture," IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 57, No. 12, December 2009. [conference version]

Mark Shifrin and Isaac Keslassy, "Small-Buffer Networks," Computer Networks, Vol. 53, No. 14, pp. 2552–2565, September 2009. [conference version]

Alex Shpiner and Isaac Keslassy, "Modeling the Interactions of Congestion Control and Switch Scheduling," IEEE IWQoS, Charleston, SC, July 2009. [slides]

        Extended version: Alex Shpiner and Isaac Keslassy, "Modeling the Interactions of Congestion Control and Switch Scheduling," Technical Report TR08-03, Comnet, Technion, Israel.

Evgeni Krimer, Mattan Erez, Isaac Keslassy, Avinoam Kolodny and Isask'har Walter, "Packet-Level Static Timing Analysis for NoCs," Poster, ACM/IEEE NoCS, San Diego, CA, May 2009.

        Extended version: Evgeni Krimer, Mattan Erez, Isaac Keslassy, Avinoam Kolodny and Isask'har Walter, "Packet-Level Static Timing Analysis for NoCs," Technical Report 737, CCIT, Technion, Israel, July 2009.

Asaf Baron, Ran Ginosar and Isaac Keslassy, "The Capacity Allocation Paradox," IEEE Infocom, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 2009. [slides]

        Extended version: Asaf Baron, Ran Ginosar and Isaac Keslassy, "The Capacity Allocation Paradox," Technical Report TR08-02, Comnet, Technion, Israel.

Yossi Kanizo, David Hay and Isaac Keslassy, "The Crosspoint-Queued Switch," IEEE Infocom, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 2009. [slides]

        Extended version: Yossi Kanizo, David Hay and Isaac Keslassy, "The Crosspoint-Queued Switch," Technical Report TR08-04, Comnet, Technion, Israel.

Yossi Kanizo, David Hay and Isaac Keslassy, "Optimal Fast Hashing," IEEE Infocom, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 2009. [slides]

        Extended version: Yossi Kanizo, David Hay and Isaac Keslassy, "Optimal Fast Hashing," Technical Report TR08-05, Comnet, Technion, Israel.

Older Publications (By Topic)

Heterogeneous Architectures

Tsahee Zidenberg, Isaac Keslassy and Uri Weiser, "MultiAmdahl: How Should I Divide My Heterogeneous Chip?," IEEE Computer Architecture Letters, March 2012. (Selected in Best of CAL Papers for 2012, and CAL Spotlight Paper for July-Dec. 2012.)

        Extended version: Tsahee Zidenberg, Isaac Keslassy and Uri Weiser, "Multi-Amdahl: Optimal Resource Sharing with Multiple Program Execution Segments," Technical Report TR11-03, Comnet, Technion, Israel.

Hash Tables and Bloom Filters

Yossi Kanizo, David Hay and Isaac Keslassy, "Hash Tables With Finite Buckets Are Less Resistant To Deletions," Computer Networks, Vol. 56, No. 4, pp. 1376-1389, March 2012.

Yossi Kanizo, David Hay and Isaac Keslassy, "Access-Efficient Balanced Bloom Filters," IEEE ICC '12, Ottawa, Canada, June 2012.

        Extended version: Yossi Kanizo, David Hay and Isaac Keslassy, "Access-Efficient Balanced Bloom Filters," Technical Report TR11-07, Comnet, Technion, Israel.

Ori Rottenstreich and Isaac Keslassy, "The Bloom Paradox: When not to Use a Bloom Filter?," IEEE Infocom '12, Orlando, FL, March 2012.

        Extended version: Ori Rottenstreich and Isaac Keslassy, "The Bloom Paradox: When not to Use a Bloom Filter?," Technical Report TR11-06, Comnet, Technion, Israel.

Ori Rottenstreich, Yossi Kanizo and Isaac Keslassy, "The Variable-Increment Counting Bloom Filter," IEEE Infocom '12, Orlando, FL, March 2012.

        Extended version: Ori Rottenstreich, Yossi Kanizo and Isaac Keslassy, "The Variable-Increment Counting Bloom Filter," Technical Report TR11-05, Comnet, Technion, Israel.

Yossi Kanizo, David Hay and Isaac Keslassy, "Maximum Bipartite Matching Size and Application to Cuckoo Hashing." (arxiv)

Yossi Kanizo, David Hay and Isaac Keslassy, "Hash Tables With Finite Buckets Are Less Resistant To Deletions," 48th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Monticello, Illinois, Sept. 2010.

        Extended version: Yossi Kanizo, David Hay and Isaac Keslassy, "Hash Tables With Finite Buckets Are Less Resistant To Deletions," Technical Report TR10-01, Comnet, Technion, Israel.

Yossi Kanizo, David Hay and Isaac Keslassy, "Optimal Fast Hashing," IEEE Infocom '09, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 2009. [slides]

        Extended version: Yossi Kanizo, David Hay and Isaac Keslassy, "Optimal Fast Hashing," Technical Report TR08-05, Comnet, Technion, Israel.


Erez Tsidon, Iddo Hanniel and Isaac Keslassy, "Estimators Also Need Shared Values to Grow Together," IEEE Infocom '12, Orlando, FL, March 2012.

        Extended version: Erez Tsidon, Iddo Hanniel and Isaac Keslassy, "Estimators Also Need Shared Values to Grow Together," Technical Report TR11-04, Comnet, Technion, Israel.

Network Processors

Isaac Keslassy, Kirill Kogan, Gabriel Scalosub and Michael Segal, "Providing Performance Guarantees in Multipass Network Processors," IEEE Infocom '11, Shanghai, China, April 2011.

        Extended version: Isaac Keslassy, Kirill Kogan, Gabriel Scalosub and Michael Segal, "Providing Performance Guarantees in Multipass Network Processors," Technical Report TR10-02, Comnet, Technion, Israel.

Data Centers

Alex Shpiner, Isaac Keslassy, Gabi Bracha, Eyal Dagan, Ofer Iny, and Eyal Soha, "A Switch-Based Approach to Throughput Collapse and Starvation in Data Centers," Computer Networks, Vol. 56, No. 14, pp. 3333-3346, September 2012.

Alex Shpiner and Isaac Keslassy, "A Switch-Based Approach to Throughput Collapse and Starvation in Data Centers," IEEE IWQoS '10, Beijing, China, June 2010. [slides] (Best Paper Award)

Capacity Allocation Paradox

Asaf Baron, Ran Ginosar and Isaac Keslassy, "The Capacity Allocation Paradox," IEEE Infocom '09, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 2009. [slides]

        Extended version: Asaf Baron, Ran Ginosar and Isaac Keslassy, "The Capacity Allocation Paradox," Technical Report TR08-02, Comnet, Technion, Israel.


Ori Rottenstreich and Isaac Keslassy, "On the Code Length of TCAM Coding Schemes," IEEE ISIT '10, Austin, TX, June 2010. [slides]

Ori Rottenstreich and Isaac Keslassy, "Worst-Case TCAM Rule Expansion," IEEE Infocom '10, Mini-conference, San Diego, CA, March 2010. [slides]

        Extended version: Ori Rottenstreich and Isaac Keslassy, "Worst-Case TCAM Rule Expansion," Technical Report TR09-01, Comnet, Technion, Israel.

Networks on Chip

Evgeni Krimer, Mattan Erez, Isaac Keslassy, Avinoam Kolodny and Isask'har Walter, "Static Timing Analysis for Modeling QoS in Networks on Chip," Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Vol. 71, No. 5, pp. 687-699, May 2011.

        Poster version: Evgeni Krimer, Mattan Erez, Isaac Keslassy, Avinoam Kolodny and Isask'har Walter, "Packet-Level Static Timing Analysis for NoCs," Poster, ACM/IEEE NoCS '09, San Diego, CA, May 2009.

        Extended version: Evgeni Krimer, Mattan Erez, Isaac Keslassy, Avinoam Kolodny and Isask'har Walter, "Packet-Level Static Timing Analysis for NoCs," Technical Report 737, CCIT, Technion, Israel, July 2009.

Itamar Cohen, Ori Rottenstreich and Isaac Keslassy, "Statistical Approach to Networks-on-Chip," IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 59, No. 6, pp. 748-761, June 2010.

        Conference version: Itamar Cohen, Ori Rottenstreich and Isaac Keslassy, "Statistical Approach to NoC Design," ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip (NoCS '08), Newcastle, UK, April 2008.
        Technical report: Itamar Cohen, Ori Rottenstreich and Isaac Keslassy, "Statistical Approach to NoC Design (Extended Version)," Technical Report TR08-01, Comnet, Technion, Israel.

Router Buffer Sizing

Mark Shifrin and Isaac Keslassy, "Small-Buffer Networks," Computer Networks, Vol. 53, No. 14, pp. 2552–2565, September 2009.

        Conference version: Mark Shifrin and Isaac Keslassy, "Modeling TCP in Small-Buffer Networks," Networking '08, Singapore, May 2008. [slides]

Guido Appenzeller, Isaac Keslassy and Nick McKeown, "Sizing Router Buffers," ACM SIGCOMM '04, Portland, Oregon, September 2004. Also in Computer Communication Review, Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 281-292, October 2004. [slides] (Test-of-Time Award, ACM SIGCOMM 2015.)

        Extended version: Guido Appenzeller, Isaac Keslassy and Nick McKeown, "Sizing Router Buffers (Extended Version)," Stanford University HPNG Technical Report TR04-HPNG-060800, Stanford, CA, June 2004.


Asaf Baron, Isask'har Walter, Ran Ginosar, Isaac Keslassy, and Ofer Lapid, "Benchmarking SpaceWire Networks," 1st International SpaceWire Conference, Dundee, UK, September 2007. [slides]

Asaf Baron, Isask'har Walter, Israel Cidon, Ran Ginosar, Isaac Keslassy, and Ofer Lapid, "SpaceWire Hot Modules," 1st International SpaceWire Conference, Dundee, UK, September 2007. [slides]

Packet-Switch Scheduling

Alex Shpiner and Isaac Keslassy, "Modeling the Interactions of Congestion Control and Switch Scheduling," Computer Networks, Vol. 55, No. 6, pp. 1257-1275, April 2011.

        Conference version: Alex Shpiner and Isaac Keslassy, "Modeling the Interactions of Congestion Control and Switch Scheduling," IEEE IWQoS '09, Charleston, SC, July 2009. [slides]

        Extended version: Alex Shpiner and Isaac Keslassy, "Modeling the Interactions of Congestion Control and Switch Scheduling," Technical Report TR08-03, Comnet, Technion, Israel.

Yossi Kanizo, David Hay and Isaac Keslassy, "The Crosspoint-Queued Switch," IEEE Infocom '09, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 2009. [slides]

        Extended version: Yossi Kanizo, David Hay and Isaac Keslassy, "The Crosspoint-Queued Switch," Technical Report TR08-04, Comnet, Technion, Israel.

Hagit Attiya, David Hay and Isaac Keslassy, "Packet-Mode Emulation of Output-Queued Switches," ACM SPAA '06, Cambridge, MA, August 2006. [slides]

Isaac Keslassy, Murali Kodialam, T. V. Lakshman and Dimitrios Stiliadis, "On Guaranteed Smooth Scheduling for Input-Queued Switches," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 13, No. 6, pp. 1364-1375, December 2005.

        Conference version: Isaac Keslassy, Murali Kodialam, T. V. Lakshman and Dimitrios Stiliadis, "On Guaranteed Smooth Scheduling for Input-Queued Switches," IEEE Infocom '03, San Francisco, April 2003. [slides]

Isaac Keslassy, Rui Zhang-Shen and Nick McKeown, "Maximum Size Matching is Unstable for Any Packet Switch," IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 7, No. 10, pp. 496-498, Oct. 2003.

        Extended version: Isaac Keslassy, Rui Zhang-Shen and Nick McKeown, "Maximum Size Matching is Unstable for Any Packet Switch," Stanford University HPNG Technical Report TR03-HPNG-030100, Stanford, CA, March 2003.

Isaac Keslassy and Nick McKeown, "Analysis of Scheduling Algorithms That Provide 100% Throughput in Input-Queued Switches," 39th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Monticello, Illinois, October 2001.

Optical System Scheduling

Hadas Kogan and Isaac Keslassy, "Optimal-Complexity Optical Router," IEEE Infocom '07, Alaska, AK, May 2007. [slides]

        Extended version: Hadas Kogan and Isaac Keslassy, "Constructing an Optical Router with Minimum Complexity," Technical Report TR06-01, Comnet, Technion, Israel.

Hadas Kogan and Isaac Keslassy, "Fundamental Complexity of Optical Systems," IEEE Infocom '07, Mini-conference, Alaska, AK, May 2007. [slides]

        Extended version: Hadas Kogan and Isaac Keslassy, " Building Optical Constructions with Minimum Complexity," Technical Report TR06-02, Comnet, Technion, Israel.

Isaac Keslassy, Murali Kodialam, T. V. Lakshman and Dimitrios Stiliadis, "Scheduling Schemes for Delay Graphs with Applications to Optical Packet Networks," IEEE HPSR '04, Phoenix, Arizona, April 2004. [slides]

Load-Balanced Routers

Bill Lin and Isaac Keslassy, "The Interleaved Matching Switch Architecture," IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 57, No. 12, December 2009.

        Conference version: Bill Lin and Isaac Keslassy, "A Scalable Switch for Service Guarantees," IEEE Hot Interconnects XIII, Stanford, CA, August 2005. [slides]

Isaac Keslassy, The Load-Balanced Router, VDM Verlag, 2008. ISBN 978-3-639-07648-6. (Just a nicer version of the Ph.D. Dissertation.)

Bill Lin and Isaac Keslassy, "Frame-Aggregated Concurrent Matching Switch," ACM/IEEE ANCS '07, Orlando, FL, December 2007. [slides]

Bill Lin and Isaac Keslassy, "The Concurrent Matching Switch Architecture," IEEE Infocom '06, Barcelona, Spain, April 2006. [slides]

Isaac Keslassy, Cheng-Shang Chang, Nick McKeown and Duan-Shin Lee, "Optimal Load-Balancing," IEEE Infocom '05, Miami, FL, March 2005. [slides]

Srikanth Arekapudi, Shang-Tse Chuang, Isaac Keslassy and Nick McKeown, "Using Hardware to Configure a Load-Balanced Switch," IEEE Micro, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 70-78, January-February 2005.

        Conference version: Srikanth Arekapudi, Shang-Tse Chuang, Isaac Keslassy and Nick McKeown, "Configuring a Load-Balanced Switch in Hardware," IEEE Hot Interconnects XII, Stanford, CA, August 2004. [slides]

Isaac Keslassy, "The Load-Balanced Router," Ph.D. Dissertation, Stanford University, June 2004. [Ph.D. Oral Examination]

Isaac Keslassy, Shang-Tse Chuang and Nick McKeown, "A Load-Balanced Switch with an Arbitrary Number of Linecards," IEEE Infocom '04, Hong Kong, March 2004. [slides]

        Also: Isaac Keslassy, Shang-Tse Chuang and Nick McKeown, "A Load-Balanced Switch with an Arbitrary Number of Linecards," Stanford University HPNG Technical Report - TR03-HPNG-080102, Stanford, CA, August 2003.

Isaac Keslassy, Shang-Tse Chuang, Kyoungsik Yu, David Miller, Mark Horowitz, Olav Solgaard and Nick McKeown, "Scaling Internet Routers Using Optics," ACM SIGCOMM '03, Karlsruhe, Germany, August 2003. Also in Computer Communication Review, Vol. 33, No. 4, pp. 189-200, October 2003. [slides]

        Extended version: Isaac Keslassy, Shang-Tse Chuang, Kyoungsik Yu, David Miller, Mark Horowitz, Olav Solgaard and Nick McKeown, "Scaling Internet Routers Using Optics (Extended Version)," Stanford University HPNG Technical Report - TR03-HPNG-080101, Stanford, CA, August 2003.

Isaac Keslassy and Nick McKeown, "Maintaining Packet Order in Two-Stage Switches," IEEE Infocom '02, New York, June 2002. [slides]

Memory Architecture

Gireesh Shrimali, Isaac Keslassy and Nick McKeown, "Designing Packet Buffers with Statistical Guarantees," IEEE Hot Interconnects XII, Stanford, CA, August 2004. [slides]

Energy Minimization in Wireless Networks

Isaac Keslassy, Murali Kodialam and T. V. Lakshman, "Faster Algorithms for Minimum-Energy Scheduling of Wireless Data Transmissions," Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks (WiOpt '03), INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, France, March 2003.

Classification of Compound Images

Isaac Keslassy, Mark Kalman, Daniel Wang, and Bernd Girod, "Classification of Compound Images Based on Transform Coefficient Likelihood," International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP '01), Thessaloniki, Greece, October 2001.

Note regarding ACM/IEEE papers: Personal use is permitted. Permission from ACM/IEEE must be obtained for all other uses.

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