Arie Feuer's Home Page

Personal Stuff:

Local Address

Room 913, A. Meyer Building, x4648 (feuer@ee)


Snail-Mail Address

Prof. Arie Feuer
Department of Electrical Engineering
Technion---Israel Institute of Technology
Haifa 32000

Phone: +972-4--829-4648
Fax: +972-4--829-5757



Areas of Interest:

Image Processing
Adaptive Signal and Image Processing
Signal Representations




Journal Publications:


A. Feuer and M. Heymann, "On a Theorem by Hahn", Monatshefte fur Matematik, 78, (1974), pp. 391--394.

A. Feuer and M. Heymann, "Omega-Invariance in Control Systems with Bounded Controls", J. of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 53, (1976), pp. 266--276.

A. Feuer and M. Heymann, "Admissible Sets in Linear Feedback Systems with Bounded Control", International J. of Control, Vol. 23, (1976), pp. 381--392

A. Feuer, A.S. Morse and B.R. Barmish, "An Unstable Dynamical System Associated with Model Reference Adaptive Control", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, Vol. C-23, No. 3, (1978), pp. 499--500.

A. Feuer and A.S. Morse, "Adaptive Control of Single-Input, Single-Output Linear Systems", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, Vol. AC--23, No. 4, (1978), pp. 557--569.

B.R. Barmish and A. Feuer, "Instability of Optimal-Aim Control", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, Vol. AC--25, No. 6, (1980), pp. 1250--1252.

A. Feuer, "Special Information-Tone Frequency Detection", Bell System Technical J., Vol. 60, No. 7, (1981), pp. 1289--1312.

B.R. Barmish, I.R. Peterson and A. Feuer, "Linear Ultimate Boundedness Control of Uncertain Dynamical System", Automatica, Vol. 19, No. 5, (1983), pp. 523--532

A. Feuer, "Forecasting With Adaptive Gradient Exponential Smoothing", Bell System Technical J., Vol. 62, No. 8, (1983), pp. 2562--2580.

A. Feuer and E. Weinstein, "Convergence Analysis of LMS Filters with Uncorrelated Gaussian Data", IEEE Trans. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing , Vol. ASSP-33, No. 1, (1985), pp. 222--229.

A. Feuer, "Performance Analysis of the Block Least Mean Square Algorithm", IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems Vol. CAS-32, No. 9, (1985), pp. 960--963.

A. Feuer and M. Heymann, "On Minimum Spanning Blocks in Discrete Linear Systems", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control Vol. AC--31 No. 4 (1986), pp. 352--355.

A. Feuer, "A Parameterization for Model Reference Adaptive Pole Placement", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control. Vol. AC--31, No. 8, (1986), pp. 782--785.

A. Feuer and N. Berman, "Performance Analysis of the Smoothed Least Mean Square (SLMS) Algorithm", Signal Processing, 11, (1986), pp. 265--276.

S. Florian and A. Feuer, "Performance Analysis of the LMS Algorithm with a Tapped Delay Line (Two-Dimensional Case)", IEEE Tran. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Vol. ASSP-34, No. 6, (1986), pp. 1542--1550.

N. Berman and A. Feuer, "Convergence Analysis of Smoothed Stochastic Gradient Type Algorithm", Int. J. of System Sciences Vol. 18 No. 6, (1987), pp. 1061--1078.

N. Shimkin and A. Feuer, "Persistency of Excitation in Continuous-Time Systems", System and Control Letters 9, (1987), pp. 225--233.

N. Shimkin and A. Feuer, "On the Necessity of `Block-Invariance' for the Convergence of Adaptive Pole-Placement with Persistently Exciting Input", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, Vol. AC--33, (1988), pp. 775--780.

M. Tarab and A. Feuer, "Convergence and Performance Analysis of the Normalized LMS Algorithm with Uncorrelated Gaussian Data", IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, Vol. IT--34, (1988), pp. 680--691.

A. Feuer and G.C. Goodwin, "Integral Action in Robust Adaptive Control", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control/, Vol. AC--34, No. 10, (1989), pp. 1082--1085.

R. Cristi and A. Feuer, "Stability of an Overparametrized Model", System and Control Letters 13, (1989), pp. 171--175.

R. Cristi and A. Feuer, "On the Persistency of Excitation for Systems Having Purely Deterministic Disturbances Using the RLS Algorithm", International J. of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, Vol. 4, No. 5, (1990), pp. 383--388.

Z. Pritzker and A. Feuer, "The Variable Length Stochastic Gradient Algorithm", IEEE Trans. on Acoustics, Speach and Signal Processing, Vol. ASSP--39, (1991), pp. 997--1001.

G.C. Goodwin and A. Feuer, "Linear Periodic Control: A Frequency Domain Viewpoint", System and Control Letters. Vol. 19 No. 5 (1992), pp. 379-390.

A. Feuer and R. Cristi, "On the Steady State Performance of Frequency Domain LMS Algorithms", IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, Vol. 41 No. 1, (1993), pp. 419-423.

A. Feuer and R. Cristi, "On the Optimal Weight Vector of a Perceptron with Gaussian Data and Arbitrary Nonlinearity", IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, Vol. 41, No. 6, (1993), pp. 2257--2259.

S.R. Weller, A. Feuer, G.C. Goodwin and H.V. Poor, "Interrelations Between Continuous and Discrete Lattice Filter Structures", IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems, Vol. 40, No. 11, (1993), pp. 705-713.

A. Feuer and G.C. Goodwin, "Generalized Sample Hold Functions: Analysis of Robustness, Sensitivity and Intersample Difficulties", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, Vol. 39 No. 5, (1994), pp. 1042-1047.

J. Tuch, A. Feuer and Z.J. Palmor, "Time Delay Estimation in Continuous Linear Time Invariant Systems", IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, Vol. 39, No. 4, (1994), pp. 823-827.

G.C. Goodwin, D.Q. Mayne and A. Feuer, "Duality of Hybrid Optimal Regulator and Hybrid Optimal Filter." International J. of Control, Vol. 61, No. 6, (1995), pp. 1465-1471.

A. Feuer and R.H. Middleton, "Conditioning of LMS Algorithms with Fast Sampling". IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, Vol. 43, No. 8,(1995), pp.1978-1982.

A. Feuer and M. Levine,"Vibrational Control of a Flexible beam." International J. of Control., Vol. 65, No. 5 (1996), pp. 803-825.

A. Feuer and G.C. Goodwin,"Sampled Data Systems." The Control Hndbook, Edited by W.S.Levine, CRC Florida, 1996.

M. Elad and A. Feuer,"Restoration of a Single Super - Resolution Image from Several Blurred, Noisy and Under-Sampled Measured Images", IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, Vol. 6, No. 12 (1997), pp. 1646-1658.

G.C. Goodwin, A. Feuer and G.I. Gomez,"A State Space Technique for the Evaluation of Diagonalizing Compensators." System and Control Letters, Vol. 32, (1997), pp. 173-177.

D. Stein and A. Feuer,"Cubic Approximation Neural Network for Multivariate Functions." Neural Networks, Vol. 11, No. 2, (1998), pp. 235-248.

M. Elad and A. Feuer,"Recursive Optical Flow Estimation - Adaptive Filtering Approach", Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation. Vol. 9, No. 2, (1998), pp. 119-138.

G.C.Goodwin, A.Feuer and S.J.Lee, "On the Causal Reconstruction of a Finite Sum of Sinusoids from Non-Unifrom, Periodic Samples", International J. of Control, Vol. 71, No. 4 (1998), pp. 615-629.

M. Elad and A. Feuer,"Super - Resolution Restoration of Image Sequence: Adaptive Filtering Approach." IEEE Trans. on Image Processing. Vol. 8, No. 3, (1999), pp. 387-395.

M. Elad and A. Feuer, "Super - resolution Reconstruction of Image Sequences." IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), Vol. 21, (1999), pp. 817-834.

J. A. de Dona, R. Moheimani, G. C. Goodwin and A. Feuer," Robust Hybrid Control Incorporating Over-Saturation", System and Control Letter - Special Issue on Hybrid Control Systems, Vol. 38, No. 3, (1999), pp. 179-185.

G.C.Goodwin and A.Feuer, "Estimation with Missing Data", Mathematical and Computer Modeling of Dynamical Systems, Vol. 5, No. 3, (1999), pp. 220-244.

A. Feuer and G.C.Goodwin, "Linear Deterministic Adaptive Control - Fundamental Limitations?" System and Control Letters (2002).

A. Feuer and A. Nemirovsky, "On Sparse Representation in Pairs of Bases", IEEE Trans. on Information Theory. Vol. 49, No. 6 (2003). pp. 1579--1581.

N. Goldberg, A. Feuer and G.C.Goodwin, " Super - Resolution Reconstruction Using Spatio - Temporal Filtering" J. of Visual Com. and Image Rep. Vol. 14 (2003). pp. 508--525.

A. Feuer, "On the necessity of Papoulis result for multi-dimensional GSE", IEEE Signal Processing Letters. Vol. 11, No. 4 (2004). pp. 420--422.

O.J. Rojas, G.C. Goodwin, M.M. Seron and A.Feuer, "An SVD based strategy for receding horizon control of constrained linear systems", Intern. J. of Robust and Nonlinear Control 2004.

Y. Dorfan, A. Feuer and B. Porat, "Modeling and Identification of LPTV Systems by Wavelets" Signal Processing

J. Yuz, G.C. Goodwin, A. Feuer and J. De Dona, "Control of Constrained Linear Systems Using Fast Sampling Rates", System and Control Letters 2004.

A.Feuer, A.Allouche and G.C.Graham, "Motion Aided Sampling and Reconstruction", IEE Proceedings on Vision, Image & Signal Processing, 2004

A. Feuer and G. C. Goodwin, "Reconstruction of Multi-Dimansional Bandlimited Signals from Nonuniform and Generalized Samples", IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing 2005

A. Feuer, P. M. J. Van den Hof and P. S. C. Heuberger, "A Unified Transform for LTI Systems Presented as a Generalized Frame", EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, Vol. 2006.

A. Feuer, G. C. Goodwin and M. Cohen,"Vector Sampling Expansion Revisited", IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, Vol. 54, No. 10 (2006) pp. 3805-3814.

N. Maor, A. Feuer and G. C. Goodwin,"Compression at the source of digital video.", EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing (Special issue on Super Resolution in Digital Video), 2007.

     C. R. Rojas, J. S. Welsh, G. C. Goodwin and A. Feuer, “Robust Optimal Experiment Design for System Identication",   

               Automatica, Vol. 43, No. 6 (2007) pp. 993-1008.

       L. Berman and A. Feuer, ”On Perfect Conditioning of Vandermonde Matrices on the Unit Circle", Electronic Journal of

               Linear Algebra (ELA) Vol. 16 (2007) pp. 157-161.

       L. Berman and A. Feuer, “Robust Patterns in Recurrent Sampling of Multi-Band Signals", IEEE Trans. on Signal   

               Processing, Vol. 56, No. 6 (2008) pp. 2326-2333.

A.    Allouche, A. Feuer and G. C. Goodwin, “2D Motion Aided Sampling and Reconstruction", Journal of Visual

         Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 20, No. 1, 2009, pp. 1-8.

      T. Kenig, Z. Kam and A. Feuer, “Bilnd Image Deconvolution Using Machine Learning for Three-Dimensional

                Microscopy", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 32, No. 12 (2010)

                pp. 2191-2204.

B.     Mueller, A. Feuer and G. C. Goodwin, " Derivative of an Integral over a Convex Polytope", Applied Mathematics

          Letters, Vol.24, No.7, pp.1120-1123, 2011.

C.     R. Rojas, J. S. Welsh, G. C. Goodwin, and A. Feuer, “Robustness in Experiment Design" IEEE Transactions on  

    Automatic Control, Vol. 57, No. 4 (2012) pp. 860-874.

A.    Feuer and G. C. Goodwin, "Online quantization in nonlinear filtering", Journal of Statistical Computation and

    Simulation, DOI: 10.1080/00949655.2012.656641, 15 Feb 2012.

I.       Kissos, M. Levit, A. Feuer and A. Blank, "Statistical Reconstruction Algorithms for CW ESR Imaging", J. of    

    Magnetic  Resonance 2012.

      R. Amel and A. Feuer, "Adaptive Identification and Recovery of Jointly Sparse Vectors", IEEE Trans On Signal Procing,

               Vol. 62, Issue 2, 2014 pp. 354-362.

A.    Rabinovich and Z. Friedman and A. Feuer, "Multi Line Acquisition with Minimum Variance Beamforming in Medical

    Ultrasound Imaging", IEEE Trans. on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectronics and Frequency Control, 2013.

      G. C. Goodwin, M. G. Cea, A. Feuer and D. Q. Mayne,"On the Use of One Bit Quantizers in Networked Control",

                Automatica, 2013.

      T. Bendory and S. Dekel and A.Feuer, " Exact recovery of non-uniform splines from the projection onto spaces of

                algebraic polynomials", Journal of Approximation Theory, 2014.

      T. Bendory and S. Dekel and A.Feuer, " Exact recovery of Dirac ensembles from the projection onto spaces of spherical

                harmonics", Journal of Approximation Theory, 2014.