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I taught the following graduate and undergraduate courses at the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology.

Electrical and Computer Engineering Department (Starting from October 2003):

  1. Information Theory (046733). My recorded lectures from the winter semester of 2013-14 (32 hours) are online available in youtube.

  2. Information Measures with Applications (048934).

  3. Codes Defined on Graphs and Iterative Decoding Algorithms (049040).

  4. Selected Topics in Digital Communications 1 (048771).

  5. Introduction to Channel Coding in Communications (046205).

  6. Introduction to Digital Communications (046206).

  7. Introduction to Coding Theory - Algebraic Codes (046207).

  8. Convex Optimization (046197).

  9. Random Signals (044202).

  10. Signals and Systems (044130).

Faculty of Mathematics (Starting from October 2021):

  1. Foundations of Modern Analysis for Electrical Engineering (108324).

  2. Selected Topics in Analysis 2 (106929). A joint graduate and undergraduate course constructed by me. Syllabus for spring 2023 (past version: spring 2022).

  3. Selected Topics in Information Theory and Combinatorics (106717). A joint graduate and undergraduate course constructed by me. Syllabus for Winter 2024.