I am a Professor in the Department of Electrical abd Computer Engineering at the Technion and hold the Alfred and Marion Bar Chair in Engineering. My research focuses on computer graphics, computer vision, and machine learning. I earned my Ph.D. from the Department of Computer Science at Princeton University.
Here are links to my my Google Scholar profile,
a Focus article discussing my work on computer graphics and archaeology,
and a talk in Hebrew where I explore this topic in more detail.
Here are additional resources highlighting my research and perspectives:
A one-hour interview on Reshet Aleph (2016) discussing research, creativity, my work, and women in engineering and the exact sciences (in Hebrew);
A shorter interview (2019) and a related article (2019); A Google Talk (2020) providing an in-depth look at my research; A Talk in Visual Computing Trends 2025 discussing visual analysis in specialized domains.
Among my recent activities, I served as the Diversity Panel Chair at Eurographics 2024,
am scheduled as a keynote speaker at the Visual Computing Trends 2025, and am a program chair for ICCV 2025.
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2007 by Ayellet Tal. All rights reserved. |