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Numerically Determined Steepest Descent Path Package (ND-SDP) is a free MATLAB
toolbox for rapid computation of the fields due to an electric or
magnetic line-source, operating in the presence of a dielectric (lossless)
half-space. It was developed by Amit Hochman during the course
of graduate studies with Prof.
Yehuda Leviatan at
the EE Dept., Technion - Israel Institute of Technology. |
The package includes a simple Graphical User Interface (screenshot).
The reference for the ND-SDP is:
A. Hochman and Y. Leviatan, "A Numerical
Methodology for Efficient Evaluation of 2D Sommerfeld Integrals in the
Dielectric Half-Space Problem", to appear in IEEE Transactions on
Antennas and Propagation.