Selected Talks

  1. On joint coding for watermarking and encryption, the 7th Information Hiding Workshop (IH' 05), Barcelona, Spain, June 2005.
  2. An information-theoretic view of watermark detection and geometric attacks, WaCha `05, Barcelona, Spain, June 2005.
  3. On context-tree prediction of individual sequences, Mathematical Foundations of Learning Theory II, Paris, May-June 2006.
  4. On the Shannon cipher system with a capacity-limited key-distribution channel, the 44th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Monticello, IL, U.S.A., September 2006.
  5. A statistical-mechanical view of code ensembles and random coding exponents, the Communications and Information Theory Seminar, EE Department, Technion, March 27, 2008.
  6. Statistical physics of the mutual information, Physics Colloquium, Physics Department, Technion, February 19, 2009.
  7. Physics of the Shannon limits, ITW 2009, Taormina, Sicily, October 11-16, 2009. The same talk was delivered also at the 2010 Annual Meeting of the Advanced Communication Center (ACC), in the Faculty of Engineering, Tel Aviv University (February 10, 2010) and can be found in Youtube.
  8. Rate-distortion function via minimum mean square error estimation, ISIT 2010, Austin, Texas, U.S.A., June 13-18, 2010.
  9. Optimum estimation via partition functions and information measures, ISIT 2010, Austin, Texas, U.S.A., June 13-18, 2010.
  10. Data processing theorems and the second law of thermodynamics, ITA Workshop, San Diego, California, February 2011.
  11. Threshold effects in parameter estimation as phase transitions in statistical physics, ITW 2011, Paraty, Brazil, October 2011.
  12. Data processing inequalities based on a certain structured class of information measures with application to estimation theory, ITA Workshop, San Diego, California, February 2012 and ISIT 2012, Boston, MA, July 2012.
  13. On optimum modulation-estimation from a large deviations perspective, the Communications and Information Theory Seminar, EE Department, Technion, May 3, 2012.
  14. Bose-Einstein condensation in the large deviations regime with application to information system models,'' IWAP 2012, Jerusalem Israel, June 2012.
  15. On optimum strategies for minimizing the exponential moments of a loss function, ISIT 2012, Boston, MA, July 2012.
  16. Relations between redundancy patterns of the Shannon code and wave diffraction patterns of partially disordered media, ISIT 2012, Boston, MA, July 2012.
  17. Perfectly secure encryption of individual sequences, ISIT 2012, Boston, MA, July 2012.
  18. Average redundancy of the Shannon code for Markov sources, ISIT 2013, Istanbul, Turkey 2013.
  19. Exponential error bounds on parameter modulation--estimation for memoryless channels, ISIT 2013, Istanbul, Turkey 2013.
  20. Erasure/list exponents for Slepian-Wolf decoding, ITW 2013, Sevilla, Spain, September 2013.
  21. On the data processing theorem in the semi-deterministic setting, ITA 2014, San Diego, CA, February 2014.
  22. Universal decoding for arbitrary channels with respect to a given class of decoding metrics, IZS 2014, Zurich, Switzerland, February 2014.
  23. List decoding - random coding exponents and expurgated exponents, ISIT 2014, Honolulu, Hawaii, June-July 2014.
  24. Exact random coding exponents for the wiretap channel model: authorized decoders and wiretapper, ITA 2015, La Jolla, CA, February 2015.
  25. Information and physics - better together, plenary talk, ITW 2015, Jerusalem, Israel, April-May 2015. Also, a colloquium at my department (May 3, 2017). Click here to watch.
  26. Information-theoretic applications of the logarithmic probability comparison bound, ISIT 2015, Hong Kong, June 2015.
  27. Statistical physics of random binning, ISIT 2015, Hong Kong, June 2015.
  28. Sequence complexity and work extraction, ITA 2016, San Diego, February 2016.
  29. Combining signal detection with other tasks of information processing, IZS 2016, Zurich, Switzerland, March 2016.
  30. Universal decoding for source-channel decoding with side information ISIT 2016, Barcelona, Spain, July 2016.
  31. The generalized likelihood decoder: random coding and expurgated bounds, ISIT 2016, Barcelona, Spain, July 2016.
  32. Lower bounds on parameter modulation-estimation under bandwidth constraints, ICSEE 2016, Eilat, Israel, November 2016.
  33. Relations between work extraction and entropy production for information-driven finite-state machines, ITA 2017, San Diego, February 2017.
  34. On the empirical cumulant generating function of code lengths for individual sequences, ISIT 2017, Aachen, Germany, June 2017.
  35. Universal decoding using a noisy codebook ISIT 2017, Aachen, Germany, June 2017.
  36. Reliability of universal decoding based on vector-quantized codewords, ISIT 2017, Aachen, Germany, June 2017.
  37. My little toolbox for code ensemble performance analysis, plenary talk, IZS 2018, Zurich, Switzerland, February 2018.
  38. Error exponents of typical random codes, ISIT 2018, Vail, Colorado, U.S.A., June 2018.
  39. Ensemble performance of biometric authentication systems based on secret key generation, ISIT 2018, Vail, Colorado, U.S.A., June 2018.
  40. Lower bounds on exponential moments of the quadratic error in parameter estimation, ISIT 2018, Vail, Colorado, U.S.A., June 2018.
  41. Trading off weak-noise estimation performance and outage exponents in non-linear modulation ITA 2019, San Diego, CA, February 2019; ISIT 2019, Paris, France, 2019.
  42. False-accept/false-reject trade offs for ensembles of biometric authentication systems, ISIT 2019, Paris, France, 2019.
  43. Error exponents of typical random codes for the colored Gaussian channel, ISIT 2019, Paris, France, 2019.
  44. Error exponents of typical random trellis codes, ITW 2019, Visby, Gotland, Sweden, August 2019.
  45. A Lagrange-dual lower bound to the error exponent of the typical random code, ITA 2020, San Diego, CA. February 2020.
  46. Optimal correlators for detection and estimation in optical receivers, Intel, April 30, 2020 (virtual presentation).
  47. Weak-noise modulation-estimation of vector parameters, ISIT 2020 (virtual conference), June 21-26, 2020. To watch the presentation, click here.
  48. Noisy guesses, ISIT 2020 (virtual conference), June 21-26, 2020. To watch the presentation, click here.
  49. Universal decoding for asynchronous Slepian-Wolf encoding, ITW 2020 (virtual conference), April 11-15, 2021. To watch the presentation, click here.
  50. Optimal correlators for detection and estimation in optical receivers, ISIT 2021 (vitrual conference), July 12-20, 2021. To watch the presentation, click here.
  51. On more general distributions of random binning for Slepian-Wolf encoding, ISIT 2021 (vitrual conference), July 12-20, 2021. To watch the presentation, click here.
  52. On error exponents of encoder-assisted communication systems, ISIT 2021 (vitrual conference), July 12-20, 2021. To watch the presentation, click here.
  53. Optimal correlators and waveforms for mismatched detection, ITA 2022, San Diego, CA, May 2022.
  54. Encoding individual source sequences for the wiretap channel, ISIT 2022, Espoo, Finland, June-July 2022.
  55. Reversing Jensen's inequality for information-theoretic analyses, ISIT 2022, Espoo, Finland, June-July 2022.
  56. Some new analytical tools for evaluation of code ensemble performance, ISITA 2022, Tsukuba, Japan, October 2022.
  57. Universal ensembles for sample-wise lossy compression, ITA 2023, San Diego, California, February 2023.
  58. My little hammers and screwdrivers for analyzing code ensemble performance, ISIT 2023, Taipei, Taiwan, June 2023 (plenary talk). To watch the talk, click here.
  59. Some families of Jensen-like inequalties with application to information theory, ITA 2024, San Diego, California, February 2024.
  60. On Jacob Ziv's individual-sequence approach to information theory, the Annual Jacob Ziv Memorial Lecture, Faculy of ECE, Technion, March 21st, 2024. To watch the presentation (in Hebrew), click here and start at 1:35:50.
  61. Parameter estimation based on noisy chaotic signals in the weak-noise regime, ISIT 2024, Athens, Greece, July 2024.