The SMTP user's guide is also included in PDF format in the downloaded zip archive.
1.2 Installation InstructionsTo install the package, unzip its contents to a new folder and add the folder to the MATLAB path with the setpath command. The SMTP uses a library called 'pointer' by Nikolai Yu. Zolotykh. This library includes files in C which must be compiled before being run. They are compiled by the MATLAB mex command. The SMTP includes a compiled version of the library files for Windows. In other operating systems, however, this library must be compiled before using the SMTP. See instructions for compiling the library in the file: @pointer\contents.m. 1.2.1 System RequirementsThe SMTP runs on MATLAB 7.x. Owing to differences in the format of MAT and FIG files, you will not be able to run it on older versions of MATLAB . It requires the 'image processing' and 'spline' toolboxes. 1.3 How to avoid reading the restSome people like to experiment with a program as a way of acquainting themselves with it, instead of reading a manual. The smtgui is quite user-friendly and you are encouraged to try it out. Also, it has a 'Command-line window' which indicates how the calculations could be made from the MATLAB command-line. All the settings of the program, including the geometry used and the results obtained, may be saved in a session file. A few session files are supplied with the package, to allow the user to quickly set all parameters to suitable values for sample problems. The following session files are supplied with the package:
After typing smtgui at the prompt, open these files by pressing the 'Open Session/Geometry' button on the toolbar. Set the file type to 'Session File', and select the file from the list. To find the modes press the 'Find Modes' button on the toolbar. Then plot the fields with the 'Plot Fields' button. To create a new geometry, press the 'Geometry from Image' button, and follow the instructions in the dialog. The geometry is created in this way from a bitmap image. Alternatively, geometries may be constructed by MATLAB code. The following scripts are included in the package, and can be used to learn how to create geometries with code:
There are a number of functions that can be used to run the solver using MATLAB code. To learn how to use these, you may look at the driver scripts, which are scripts that call the functions with the appropriate parameters. The driver scripts are:
Chapter 2
gold.m | For noble metals: |
copper.m | Interpolation of experimental values |
silver.m | given by Johnson and Christy [8] |
aluminum.m | A simple Drude model |
sellmeier.m | Sellmeier equation for fused silica. |
These functions must be in the MATLAB path. When all the permittivities are set, press the 'Next' button.
In this dialog, the number and locations of sources and testing points are set. The dialog can be brought up later by pressing the 'Set Source Parameters' button from the toolbar. The program will automatically set the number of sources and testing points to default values, that should work in the most common cases. To verify that a solution is correct you will want to increase the number of sources and testing points and see that the solution converges and that the error in continuity conditions decreases.
Deciding on the number of sources, testing points, and their location is an important issue. As a rule, the number of sources should be enough to approximate the fields with high enough fidelity. This means that the anticipated spatial variation of the fields should be used as a guideline for the number of sources necessary. An important length in this context is the transversal wavelength, which is given by,
(2.1) |
where k is the wave-number in the material and b the longitudinal propagation constant. Another important length is the radius of curvature of the boundary. The smaller one of these two lengths can be used to estimate the spatial variation of the fields; a few sources per radius of curvature, or transversal wavelength are usually enough.
The distance of the sources from the boundaries is measured in units of the minimal radius of curvature of each curve. In this way, the fields near curves which have finer details are approximated by sources which are placed more closely to the curve. As a rule, when the sources approach the boundary their number must be increased, because otherwise it is difficult to approximate a field which varies smoothly on the boundary. Note that curves which have sharp corners lead to sources placed very near them. Corners should in general be dealt with separately. At the moment, this is a limitation of the SMTP. It cannot handle sharp corners well.
The number of testing points should be greater, by a factor of about 1.3, than the number of sources.
When the sources and testing points are distributed satisfactorily, press the 'Next' button. You will be asked to save the geometry in a Geometry Description File (GD file), in which all the information entered in the previous dialogs is stored. The filename should have a 'gd' extension.
For opening, press the 'Open Geometry/Session' button. You may choose to either open a GD file or a session file, by changing the file type. Session files store all the settings and results of the program. Note that a session filename should have an 'se' extension. Press the 'Save Session' button to save everything to a session file.
Modes exist at certain pairs of frequency w and effective index neff (the effective index is the longitudinal propagation constant normalized to the free-space wave-number). In the SMT, for each frequency the complex neff plane must be scanned to find points where the numerical error in the continuity conditions, DE, is minimum. If enough testing points are used, every local minimum represents a mode. When the mode is not a leaky mode and no material losses are assumed, the minima of the propagating modes occur on the real line. When the modes are only slightly leaky, or small material losses are assumed, the modes are near the real line, and they can be found approximately by searching on the real line. Modes which are further away from the real line will propagate only very short distances and can therefore be neglected in many cases. For this reason, the smtgui searches first for modes on the real line, and if so instructed, will search a small region of the complex plane near a real-line minimum. The entire neff plane can be searched with smt_solve_drv_proper.m and smt_solve_drv_improper.m.
To search for the modes effectively, an adaptive sampling algorithm is applied to the error, DE. The algorithm is described in detail in Ref. [1]. All the user-specified parameters may be set by pressing the 'Find Modes' button. The parameters that must be supplied by the user are the following:
The maximum allowed difference between the output and a true minimum of the error function. Note that the true minimum of the error function is usually different than the exact effective index because the number of sources and testing points is finite.
The algorithm attempts to locate intervals of effective index where DE is monotonic. It does so by sampling these intervals adaptively at most Nmax times. If the resulting sample series is monotonic, it is concluded that the interval is monotonic. Usually, a value of about 7 is good enough, and 5 is the minimum. Higher values will result in a slower and finer search, which will is less likely to miss a mode.
If the error is larger than this value a minimum will not be considered a mode. Set to a reasonably low value, such as 0.05. Usually, every minimum of DE corresponds to a mode, however, false minima may occasionally occur, and this helps to rule them out.
The calculation of DE involves the solution of a generalized eigenvalue problem. The direct method of solution is a fast (and approximate) Arnoldi method, whereas the indirect method is the more robust generalized singular value decomposition. Although slower, the indirect method avoids inaccuracies of the direct method, which can make DE noisy and thus lead to numerous false minima. Inadequate source location is in many cases at the root of this behavior. As default, the direct method is recommended; the indirect method can be used to ascertain whether suspect minima are true or false.
When searching for modes with a complex effective index, the behavior at infinity (i.e., at a large radial distance from the waveguide) must be specified. Proper modes are characterized by a fields that decay exponentially towards infinity, while their phase propagation in the radial direction is inwards. Improper modes diverge exponentially towards infinity, while their phase propagation in the radial direction is outwards.
The complex-plane search algorithm tries to estimate the value of the imaginary part of the effective index and then searches a small region around this estimate. The estimate is based on the shape of the minimum found on the real line. A blunt minimum means that the mode is further away from the real line, whereas a sharp minimum means the mode is close to the real line. A blunt minimum can also result from an insufficient number of sources, so enough sources should be used when searching for modes this way. An alternative, is to specify the minimum imaginary part of the effective index (which is negative). Check the box on the lower left corner of the window. The algorithm will then search between the real line and this user specified limit.
If you want the search to be repeated for a range of frequencies, set the 'No. of Samples in Wavelength Range' to a number greater than one. In this way dispersion curves may be calculated. The effective index range may then be specified at both ends of the frequency range. It is also possible to set only one value for minimum/maximum effective index which is valid for the entire frequency range. Note, however, that if the frequency range is not too small many modes may be found as the frequency increases. It is therefore advisable to set separate limits to both ends; in between these values a straight line in the l-neff plane is assumed.
When the search for modes ends, the effective indices appear in a separate window. In this window you may choose to save the results to a variable in the MATLAB workspace, or to a file. The file may be either a text file or a Microsoft Excel worksheet. You can also clear the results in the window. See also the function out2curves to convert the output into a family of curves for when dispersion curves have been calculated.
A session file can be used to save all the parameters of the program, and the results in the results window. One of these parameters is the file name of the geometry description file being used. When loading a session, the SMTP will look for this file in the directory it was originally saved, and in the current directory if this fails. If the geometry description file is not found, the session will not load and an error message will be displayed.
To see the modal fields, press the 'Plot Fields' button. Here you specify the wavelength and effective index of the mode you want to plot. All previously calculated values that appear in the 'Effective indices' window may be selected from the 'Recent Results' list. Note that if you have changed the geometry and have not cleared the results window, results of a different geometry than the current one will appear and if you try plotting the mode you will get an incorrect result. You can choose the component of the field plotted, the ranges in X and Y and the resolution in each axis. When all is set, press the 'Plot' button. The field component should appear shortly. The image can be either saved to the MATLAB workspace or to an image file, as usual in a MATLAB figure.
The relationship between the symmetry of a waveguide and the symmetry of its modes was studied by McIsaac [9], by a group-theoretical approach. The SMTP was written with photonic-crystal fibers in mind, which usually belong to the C6v point-group, meaning that they have 6-fold rotational symmetry and mirror symmetry. The various classes of modes that can exist in such a waveguide can be seen by pressing the 'Set Symmetry Class' button. All of the symmetry classes given and numbered by McIsaac can be selected from the list on the left. The window shows mirror planes on which the tangential electric (magnetic) field vanishes by solid (dotted) lines. A different mode classification scheme was recently proposed by Fini [10]. In this scheme only 6-fold rotational symmetry is assumed. The fields in each 60° sector are related to the fields in any other sector by rotation and multiplication by one of the roots of unity. This classification scheme has a number of advantages compared to the classical one (see Fini's article for details). The various mode classes can be selected from the list on the right. Once the symmetry class is selected it will be used in all subsequent calculations, until it is changed.
Note that if the geometry is not symmetric and symmetry is used, the program will try to solve a symmetrical version of the geometry, by cutting a sector from the original geometry. This has not been tested thoroughly. Use at your own risk.
Although the smtgui may be adequate for the most common analysis scenarios, a number of features of the SMTP are available only from MATLAB code. Also, MATLAB scripts may be used to automate the analysis and to integrate the SMTP with other MATLAB programs. This may be especially useful in optimizing a design to meet design criteria.
Before using any of the functions, a few global variables must be
initialized by typing:
Note that smt_init also sets the default text interpreter (used
for labels) to 'latex'. To revert to the MATLAB
'factory' default use:
set(0, 'defaultTextInterpreter', get(0, 'factoryTextInterpreter'))
after finishing with the SMTP. Otherwise, MATLAB
may issue the following warning:
Warning: Unable to interpret TeX string. Invalid LaTeX string.
The smtgui takes care of this automatically.
All the information describing the geometry is stored in an object variable, which in all files is named oGd (objectGeometrydescriptor). The object has the following fields:
nSources | Number of sources |
nTestingPoints | Number of testing points |
alphaIn, alphaOut | Distances of the sources from the boundary |
alphaIn - inner sources, alphaOut - outer sources | |
offsetX, offsetY | Offset of the geometry from the origin |
curveArray | An array of boundary curves |
sdArray | An array of sub-domains |
nSd | Number of sub-domains |
The distances of the sources from the boundaries are measured in units of the minimal radius of curvature of each curve. The offsetX and offsetY fields are reserved for future uses. They should be set to zero. The geometry should always be centered at the origin if symmetry is to be exploited. The curveArray field is an array of curve objects which have the following fields:
length | Length of the curve in meters |
iCurve | Index to the curve in the curveArray |
cs | Cubic Spline structure (see Spline Toolbox) |
max_x, min_x | Maximum and minimum values of the |
max_y, min_y | curve relative to its center |
param | list of parameters (see primitive function below) |
tag | name of the curve. Can be: ('circle', 'ellipse', |
'cookie', 'super_ellipse', 'spline') | |
xc, yc | Curve center coordinates |
Every curve in the geometry has a corresponding spline representation. If the curve has a simpler representation, such as, for example, a circle, it is tagged by its name. If the tag is circle or ellipse the exact representation of the curve is used instead of its corresponding spline. The field param is a list of parameters of the curve, as generated by primitive. The order of fields in the curve object is important, and should be alphabetical. Use orderfields to order them alphabetically.
There are a number of functions for creating curves and adding them to a curve array:
curve = PRIMITIVE(shape, ...) |
Creates a curve object centered at the origin. |
Argument shape is either 'circle', 'ellipse', |
'cookie', or 'super_ellipse' . |
When shape is 'circle', the next argument is the radius. |
When shape is 'ellipse', the arguments are the X-semi-axis |
and the ratio of the Y-semi-axis to the X-semi-axis. |
When shape is 'cookie', the shape is defined |
in polar coordinates by the formula: r(f) = R(1+m cos(n f)). |
The order of arguments is R, m, and n. |
When shape is 'super_ellipse', the shape is a super-ellipse |
(which approximates a rectangle). The X dimension is the first |
argument, the ratio of Y dimension to X dimension is the second |
argument, and the last argument is n, which determines the sharpness |
of the corners. The field 'param' of the output curve holds |
the list of parameters used to define the curve. |
Note that the center of the curve may be specified by setting the xc and yc fields of the output.
curveArray = CLONE(xCenters, yCenters, curve) |
Clones 'curve' object to create an array of curves centered |
at coordinates given by (xCenters, yCenters). |
curveArray = ARRAY_CAT(curveArray1, curveArray2) |
ConCATenates two curve arrays. |
[xCenters, yCenters] = HEX_CENTERS(a, ring1, ring2, type) |
Calculates the coordinates of points on a hexagonal lattice. |
Argument a is the lattice pitch. |
Argument ring1 is the number of points per hexagon side |
in the first ring of points. |
Argument ring2 is the number of points per hexagon side |
in the last ring of points. |
Argument type is either 1 or 2, which determines which one |
of the two types of lattices is calculated. |
After all the curves are created and added to a curve array, the sub-domains must be found with:
sdArray = COMPUTE_SD_ARRAY(curveArray) |
Analyzes curveArray to find all sub-domains. |
The output is an array of sub-domain objects. |
Note that the curves must not intersect. The fields of a sub-domain object are:
outsideCurveArray | An array of closed 'outside' curves. |
insideCurve | An 'inside' curve that encloses all the 'outside' curves. |
The sub-domain lies inside the 'inside' curve | |
and outside all 'outside' curves | |
Er | Complex permittivity of the sub-domain. |
In oGd, the number of sub-domains should be set by:
oGd = length(oGd.sdArray)
After the sub-domain array has been calculated, set the Er field of each sub-domain object to the desired complex permittivity. Note that the sub-domain that includes infinity (the background material) is always the first sub-domain. As in the smtgui, the permittivity may be set to the name of a MATLAB function for a frequency-dependent permittivity.
Use the function:
positions = DISTRIBUTE(oGd) |
Distributes sources and testing points as dictated by oGd |
The output is vectors of coordinates of all the sources and testing points.
To exploit symmetry, the sources and testing points outside of the minimum sector must be discarded. Instead, the sources in the minimum sector are replaced by arrays of sources which have their amplitudes related in a way that ensures that the mode has the required symmetry. To cut-off testing points and sources outside of the minimum sector, use the function:
outPositions = CUT_POS(oGd, positions, sClass) |
Cuts all sources and testing points in positions, outside of the minimum |
sector defined by the class in sClass. |
Argument sClass is a two letter string. The first letter is either |
'p' - for McIsaac's classes or 'f' for Fini's. |
The second character is a number which corresponds to the numbering |
of mode type in these two schemes. Possible strings are: |
'p1', 'p2' ... 'p8', and 'f1' ... 'f6'. |
Output outPositions includes the relations of array amplitudes that ensure |
that the mode has the required symmetry. |
If you want to exploit symmetry, this function must be called before proceeding with any other calculation.
The adaptive search algorithm used by smtgui can be called with the function:
[Neff, error] = FIND_MODES(oGd, positions, k0, minNeff,... |
maxNeff, tol, bShow, maxN, maxErr, complex, ... |
minNeffI, method) |
Finds the effective indices and error in continuity conditions |
of the modes for the geometry defined by oGd. |
Sources and testing points are distributed according to positions. |
Free-space wave number: k0. |
Range of effective index: (minNeff, maxNeff). |
Tolerance for effective index: tol. |
Show search progress: bShow. |
Max. Number of points in a monotonic interval (Nmax): maxN |
Max. acceptable error: maxErr |
Searches for complex effective indices if complex ¹ 0. |
For proper behavior at infinity, complex = 1. For improper (i.e. leaky modes), |
complex = 2. Min. imaginary part: minNeffI. If minNeffI = 0, |
the algorithm determines the search region from the shape of the error on |
the real line. Eigenvalue determination method: method, can be |
either 'direct', or 'indirect'. Indirect is slower, |
but can avoid false minima which may occur with the direct method (false |
minima may be caused by poor source location. )
After the sources and testing points are distributed, you must find the source amplitudes by using the function:
error = SMT_SOLVE(Neff, oGd, positions, k0, method) |
Solves the geometry defined in oGd. |
Sources and testing points are distributed according to positions. |
Free-space wave number: k0. |
Effective index: Neff, which may be a vector. |
Eigenvalue determination method: method, can be either 'direct', |
or 'indirect'. Indirect is slower, but can avoid false minima which |
may occur with the direct method (false minima may be caused by poor |
source location) |
Returns the error in continuity conditions. |
[error, solution] = SMT_SOLVE(Neff, oGd, pos, k0, method) |
Returns the vector of source amplitudes as well. |
If Neff is a vector, solution is a matrix. Each column of the matrix |
corresponds to one entry of the Neff vector. |
If Neff is complex, the function must be called with one more argument: |
[error, solution] = SMT_SOLVE(Neff, oGd, pos, k0, isImproper). |
isImproper determines the behavior at infinity. A value of 1 means that |
phase propagation is outwards (to infinity). A value of 0 means that |
phase propagation is inwards (from infinity). |
Then, to evaluate the field use the function:
field = CALC_FIELD(solution, positions, oGd, k0, Neff, ... |
sComponent, sClass, x, y) |
Calculates a field component (or longitudinal component of Poynting's |
vector). Argument solution is the source amplitudes, positions is the |
positions of sources and testing points, oGd, the geometry descriptor, k0 |
the free-space wave number, and Neff the effective index. The component |
plotted is defined by sComponent, which is a two letter string with the |
following allowed values: 'Ex', 'Ey', 'Ez', 'Hx', 'Hy', 'Hz', and 'Sz'. |
Argument sClass is the class string (see CUT_POS). Set to 'none' if no |
symmetry is required. Arguments x and y are vectors to the x and y |
coordinates where the field is evaluated. |
If Neff is complex, the function must be called with one more argument: |
field = CALC_FIELD(solution, positions, oGd, k0, Neff, ... |
sComponent, sClass, x, y, isLeaky) |
isLeaky determines the behavior at infinity. A value of 1 means that |
phase propagation is outwards (to infinity). A value of 0 means that |
phase propagation is inwards (from infinity), as in plasmons. |
Confinement losses, which exist when the mode is leaky, may be calculated by searching the complex neff plane. Alternatively, a perturbational method described in Ref. [4] may be used. To calculate the attenuation of the mode, use the function:
[Neff_i, Sz] = CALC_ATT(solution, positions, oGd, k0, Neff, |
x, y) |
Calculates the attenuation of a mode due to radiation using a |
perturbational method. |
Argument solution is the source amplitudes, positions is the |
positions of sources and testing points, oGd, the geometry descriptor, k0 |
the free-space wave number, and Neff the effective index. The points on |
which Poynting's vector is evaluated is determined by x and y. |
Their range should include all the boundaries, but should not be too |
far away from the outermost boundary. |
The output is the imaginary part of the effective index, and the longitudinal |
component of Poynting's vector. |
The function may be used iteratively, first with a real effective index, |
and on the next iteration, with the imaginary part found previously. |
Note: at the moment, symmetry is not supported. The effective index may |
be found with the aid of symmetry, but the solution must then be |
recomputed, at the known effective index, without symmetry. |
out = CS_LENGTH(cs) |
Calculates length of cubic spline. |
out = DRAW_GEOM(oGd) |
Draws the geometry described by oGd. Scales the axes to show the whole |
geometry. Relables x and y axes. |
DRAW_GEOM(oGd, 'noaxischange') does not scale the axes. |
DRAW_GEOM(oGd, 'nolabel') does not relabel the axes. |
DRAW_GEOM(oGd, 'nothing') does neither.
SHOW_POS(oGd, positions) |
Shows the positions of sources and testing points for geometry oGd and |
position coordinates positions. |
[maxX, minX, maxY, minY] = OGDRANGE(oGd) |
finds the limits in X and Y of the geometry oGd |
newGd = UPDATEGD(oGd) |
Updates oGd, an older version of the geometry descriptor object (SMTP v1.0) |
to newGd the newer version (SMTP v2.0). |
curves = OUT2CURVES(SMTout) |
Creates a family of dispersion curves from the output of smtgui, i.e., |
the SMTout variable saved to the workspace from the results window. |
the output, curves, is a structure array which has two fields: |
curves.neff - a vector of effective indices, and |
curves.lambda - a vector of the corresponding wavelengths. |
OGD2DXF(oGd, filename) |
Exports the geometry in oGd to a DXF file named filename. |
Note that the '.DXF' extension is not added automatically, |
so it should be included in filename. |
![]() | When using symmetry, all sources are reflected about the symmetry
planes. In some cases this may cause sources that were outside of a given
region to appear inside of it (see Fig. 4.1).
If this happens the 'modes' found will be incorrect and will be easily
detected as such by their singularity inside a homogeneous, source-free
region. Either refrain from using symmetry or bring the sources closer to
the boundary to avoid the problem.
Figure 4.1: A configuration in which the problem occurs if symmetry of class p=4 is used. | |
![]() | The propagation constants should not fall exactly on the light line. A
warning is issued if this happens.
| |
![]() | As mentioned previously, the SMTP cannot, at the moment, deal with
sharp corners. The algorithm distributes the sources at a distance which
is proportional to the minimal radius of curvature, which is zero at a
corner. Corners may lead to singularities in the field and therefore may
require special attention. Nevertheless, if the corner is not too sharp,
reasonably good results can be obtained.
File translated from TEX by
version 3.77.
On 13 Aug 2007, 16:47.
Copyright © 2007 Amit Hochman and Yehuda Leviatan,
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology. |