PC is an ARG. It has (or will have) 256 puzzle cards. They are classified red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, silver in order of increasing difficulty.
To enter a solution on the PC site you have to buy one of the corresponding cards and enter its code number (12 alphanumeric characters), which can only be used once.
Discussion and solution can be found on the unfiction site. So why this site? Well, the unfiction site is not convenient for quick reference - you have to plough through pages of blind alleys sometimes. Also it often fails to tell you how to go about solving the problem yourself. This site rarely has solutions, but it always tells you how to go about solving the problem.
Many puzzles, especially in the easier categories, can be solved by googling. Google has changed puzzles! Searching for information is now usually a routine chore, rather than a fun activity which requires inspiration. So personally I derive little pleasure from puzzles which can be solved (and usually can only be solved) by googling to get some obscure data.
Note that googling will often bring up the relevant part of the unfiction forum! So if you don't want to cheat, ignore such entries.
This is a list of all the cards I have in numerical order. This is a list of all the cards I have organized by type, so that the more interesting problems are highlighted.
Updated 15 Jul 2006