6th Junior Balkan 2002

1.  The triangle ABC has CA = CB. P is a point on the circumcircle between A and B (and on the opposite side of the line AB to C). D is the foot of the perpendicular from C to PB. Show that PA + PB = 2·PD.
2.  The circles center O1 and O2 meet at A and B with the centers on opposite sides of AB. The lines BO1 and BO2 meet their respective circles again at B1 and B2. M is the midpoint of B1B2. M1, M2 are points on the circles center O1 and O2 respectively such that angle AO1M1 = angle AO2M2, and B1 lies on the minor arc AM1 and B lies on the minor arc AM2. Show that angle MM1B = angle MM2B.
3.  Find all positive integers which have exactly 16 positive divisors 1 = d1 < d2 < ... < d16 such that the divisor dk, where k = d5, equals (d2 + d4) d6.
4.  Show that 2/( b(a+b) ) + 2/( c(b+c) ) + 2/( a(c+a) ) ≥ 27/(a+b+c)2 for positive reals a, b, c.

To avoid possible copyright problems, I have changed the wording, but not the substance, of the problems.

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© John Scholes
6 Jul 2003
Last updated/corrected 6 Jul 2003