2nd Iberoamerican 1987 problems

A1.  Find f(x) such that f(x)2f( (1-x)/(1+x) ) = 64x for x not 0, ±1.
A2.  In the triangle ABC, the midpoints of AC and AB are M and N respectively. BM and CN meet at P. Show that if it is possible to inscribe a circle in the quadrilateral AMPN (touching every side), then ABC is isosceles.
A3.  Show that if (2 + √3)k = 1 + m + n√3, for positive integers m, n, k with k odd, then m is a perfect square.
B1.  Define the sequence p1, p2, p3, ... as follows. p1 = 2, and pn is the largest prime divisor of p1p2 ... pn-1 + 1. Prove that 5 does not occur in the sequence.
B2.  Show that the roots r, s, t of the equation x(x - 2)(3x - 7) = 2 are real and positive. Find tan-1r + tan-1s + tan-1t.
B3.  ABCD is a convex quadrilateral. P, Q are points on the sides AD, BC respectively such that AP/PD = BQ/QC = AB/CD. Show that the angle between the lines PQ and AB equals the angle between the lines PQ and CD.

To avoid possible copyright problems, I have changed the wording, but not the substance, of the problems.

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© John Scholes
1 July 2002