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Calculation of the field of a line-source in front of dielectric half-space.

This example shows how to use the ND-SDP method.


Set-up some global variables


Set-up parameters

permittivityLowerRegion = 1; % Relative permittivity of the y < 0 region.
permittivityUpperRegion = 3; % Relative permittivity of the y > 0 region.
componentString = 'Ez'; % Cartesian component to calculate.

Source parameters

lambda = 1; % free-space wavelength [m]
Source.lambda = lambda;
Source.polarizationString = 'TM'; % An electric line source, use 'TE' for a magnetic one.
Source.x = 0; Source.y = -lambda; % Source coordinates

Grid points at which the field is to be evaluated

nX = 100; nY = nX;
r = lambda*3;
x = linspace(-r, r, nX);
y = linspace(-r, r, nY);
[EvalAt.x, EvalAt.y] = meshgrid(x,y);

Set options

Options.quasistaticRule = 'discretization'; % Use discretization method for quasi-static case.
                                            % Default value is 'Legendre'.
Options.useAdaptive = false; % Change the number of points adaptively.

% if options.useAdaptive = false, the following option must be set:
Options.nPoints = 20; % Number of integration points (should be even).

% if options.useAdaptive = true, the following options must be set:
Options.tol = 1e-3; % Maximum relative error for adaptive scheme.
Options.maxPoints = 2^10; % Max. number of integration points in the adaptive scheme.

Calculate field

field = ndsdp(EvalAt, Source, permittivityLowerRegion, permittivityUpperRegion, componentString, Options);
Elapsed time is 3.651567 seconds.

Show the result

imagesc(x/lambda, y/lambda, real(field));
set(gca, 'ydir', 'normal');
axis image
line([min(x/lambda), max(x/lambda)], [0 0])

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Last modified: 07/06/09.