From: Tomer Morad [] Sent: éåí ùéùé 08 îøõ 2002 16:21 To: Subject: Home is where the heart is! Hola Everyone! Behold, the last email I will send from abroad! Are you exited? I surely am... It is, after all, the last email I send in which I will try to sum up the past six months of my vacation. After this one, you won`t be needing your email account anymore, it just won´t be the same... :) So before the sum-up and conclusions, let me first update you on my last ephisodes: The previous email (and second to last...) ended in Salvador, Brazil. Since then Gabby and I managed to play a serious game of dominos with some local people, and fool around with the local taxi drivers and beggars. We then flew to Buenos Aires, to make the grand finale of the trip. I rented an apartment until my flight home (today), and have enjoyed parties, discos, salsa and good food up until now. Argentina turned out to be in-line with all the other cheap countries in South America. In the two months that I have been away, almost all the prices stayed the same in Pesos, but the Peso was devaluated by more than %100. Great time to come and visit here. It is safe too. Don´t forget to take me with you... :) You may ask (if not I will just tell you anyway) what is waiting for me in Israel. Well, my future plans are to land in Israel tomorrow (which turned out to be quite difficult, thanks to British Airways), and start my masters in the faculty of Electrical Engineering in the Technion. Hopefully, my life will look a little different than how it looked when I did the B.Sc. It is YOUR job to remind me to travel again when I finish the masters (yes, it is addictive!). So... To sum things up, what did we have in the past six months? I´ll try to remember some of the highlights: Nightlife in Lima, goodlife in cuzco, machu pichu, being very sick in the middle of the Apurimac river, visiting jungles, mosquitos, favelas of rio, beautiful beach resorts in Brazil, the great Iguazu Falls, the Pantanal, crystal clear rivers, the beautiful and fun city of Buenos Aires, 5 Argentine presidents, demonstrations, tear gas, soccer celebrations, Salsa, Spanish lessons, tracks in New Zealand, one dislocated shoulder, flying lessons on a Cessna, swimming with dolphins, carnaval in Olinda, encounters with the police, African religious ritual, the millions of times that I changed my mind about where to go, and fun, fun, fun! Making this list made me realize how many things I have done in the last six months compared to the things I have done in my whole lifetime of 24 years... >From all of the highlights, there is one that stands way higher than the others - that is meeting all the different kinds of people, especially the local people from South America. It is great learning from people who have a different culture than what I have in Israel. At times I was sure that the western culture was despensable and the latin culture should take over. Maybe it really should... :) People who have been here know exactly what I am talking about. Those who haven´t been here yet, well, the answer is in the sentence. This IS (I can still write in present tense) definately the best and most important experience of my life. Of course, I have many conclusions. I will share the most important one with you: Always follow your heart, doing it smartly - This is the moto that brought me back from New Zealand to South America, which turned out to be a very wise decision. No matter how I will like travelling, and how it seems tempting to stay here for another 342 years, I have a home with family and friends who I truely miss and love. And because home is where the heart is, and I have to follow my heart smartly, well... SCOOOOOOOP!!!!!!!! (no!) Mom, prepare my meat, I am on my way!!! Love, Tomer. _________________________________________________________________ Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail.