16th Irish 2003

A1.  Find all integral solutions to (m2 + n)(m + n2) = (m + n)3.
A2.  QB is a chord of the circle parallel to the diameter PA. The lines PB and QA meet at R. S is taken so that PORS is a parallelogram (where O is the center of the circle). Show that SP = SQ.
A3.  Find ( [11/2] - [11/3] ) + ( [21/2] - [21/3] ) + ... + ( [20031/2 - [20031/3] ).
A4.  A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H compete in a chess tournament. Each pair plays at most once and no five players all play each other. Write a possible arrangment of 24 games which satisfies the conditions and show that no arrangement of 25 games works.
A5.  Let R be the reals and R+ the positive reals. Show that there is no function f : R+ → R such that f(y) > (y - x) f(x)2 for all x, y such that y > x.
B1.  A triangle has side lengths a, b, c with sum 2. Show that 1 ≤ ab + bc + ca - abc ≤ 1 + 1/27.
B2.  ABCD is a quadrilateral. The feet of the perpendiculars from D to AB, BC are P, Q respectively, and the feet of the perpendiculars from B to AD, CD are R, S respectively. Show that if ∠PSR = ∠SPQ, then PR = QS.
B3.  Find all integer solutions to m2 + 2m = n4 + 20n3 + 104n2 + 40n + 2003.
B4.  Given real positive a, b, find the largest real c such that c ≤ max(ax + 1/(ax), bx + 1/bx) for all positive real x.
B5.  N distinct integers are to be chosen from {1, 2, ... , 2003} so that no two of the chosen integers differ by 10. How many ways can this be done for N = 1003? Show that it can be done in (3·5151 + 7·1700) 1017 ways for N = 1002.

To avoid possible copyright problems, I have changed the wording, but not the substance, of the problems.

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© John Scholes
14 June 2003
Last updated/corrected 14 Jun 03