13th Irish 2000

A1.  Let S be the set of all numbers of the form n2+n+1. Show that the product of n2+n+1 and (n+1)2+(n+1)+1 is in S, but give an example of a, b ∈ S with ab ∉ S.
A2.  ABCDE is a regular pentagon side 1. F is the midpoint of AB. G, H are points on DC, DE respectively such that ∠DFG = ∠DFH = 30o. Show that FGH is equilateral and GH = 2 cos 18o cos236o/cos 6o. A square is inscribed in FGH with one side on GH. Show that its side has length GH√3/(2+√3).
A3.  Let f(n) = 5n13 + 13n5 + 9an. Find the smallest positive integer a such that f(n) is divisible by 65 for every integer n.
A4.  A strictly increasing sequence a1 < a2 < ... < aM is called a weak AP if we can find an arithmetic progression x0, x1, ... , xM such that xn-1 ≤ an < xn for n = 1, 2, ... , M. Show that any strictly increasing sequence of length 3 is a weak AP. Show that any subset of {0, 1, 2, ... , 999} with 730 members has a weak AP of length 10.
A5.  Let y = x2 + 2px + q be a parabola which meets the x- and y-axes in three distinct points. Let Cpq be the circle through these points. Show that all circles Cpq pass through a common point.
B1.  Show that x2y2(x2+y2) ≤ 2 for positive reals x, y such that x+y = 2.
B2.  ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral with circumradius R, side lengths a, b, c, d and area S. Show that 16R2S2 = (ab+cd)(ac+bd)(ad+bc). Deduce that RS√2 ≥ (abcd)3/4 with equality iff ABCD is a square.
B3.  For each positive integer n, find all positive integers m which can be written as 1/a1 + 2/a2 + ... + n/an for some positive integers a1 < a2 < ... < an.
B4.  Show that in any set of 10 consecutive integers there is one which is relatively prime to each of the others.
B5.  p(x) is a plynomial with non-negative real coefficients such that p(4) = 2, p(16) = 8. Show that p(8) ≤ 4 and find all polynomials where equality holds.

To avoid possible copyright problems, I have changed the wording, but not the substance, of the problems.

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© John Scholes
12 Oct 2003
Last updated/corrected 15 Dec 03