96th Kürschák Competition 1996

1.  The diagonals of a trapezium are perpendicular. Prove that the product of the two lateral sides is not less than the product of the two parallel sides.
2.  Two delegations A and B, with the same number of delegates, arrived at a conference. Some of the delegates knew each other already. Prove that there is a non-empty subset A' of A such that either each member in B knew an odd number of members from A', or each member of B knew an even number of members from A'.
3.  2kn+1 diagonals are drawn in a convex n-gon. Prove that among them there is a broken line having 2k+1 segments which does not go through any point more than once. Moreover, this is not necessarily true if kn diagonals are drawn.

The original problems are in Hungarian. Many thanks to Péter Dombi for the translation.

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(C) John Scholes
19 Apr 2003
Last corrected/updated 19 Apr 2003