22nd Eötvös Competition 1915

1.  Given any reals A, B, C, show that An2 + Bn + C < n! for all sufficiently large integers n.
2.  A triangle lies entirely inside a polygon. Show that its perimeter does not exceed the perimeter of the polygon.
3.  Show that a triangle inscribed in a parallelogram has area at most half that of the parallelogram.


The original problems are in Hungarian. They are available on the KöMaL archive on the web. They are also available in English (with solutions in): (Translated by Elvira Rapaport) József Kürschák, G Hajós, G Neukomm & J Surányi, Hungarian Problem Book 2, 1906-1928, MAA 1963. Out of print, but available in some university libraries.

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John Scholes
20 Oct 1999
Last corrected/updated 8 Oct 03